National Coffee Day is September 29th


National Coffee Day is September 29th, and we want to hear from you!

Record a ~1 minute video about your love for coffee and send it to Then, be sure to keep an eye on our social media on National Coffee Day as we share your videos.

Here are some questions/topics you might consider to get you started:

  • Tell us about the joy coffee brings to your life.

  • Do you have any rituals around coffee?

  • What would you share with the coffee farmer and his/her family that is behind your favorite coffee?

And then...


The holidays and year-end will be here before we know it, and soon after, we'll be celebrating First Cup!

First Cup is all about celebrating coffee farmers and their families with your very first cup of coffee in the new year. Each New Year's Day we partner with cafes to host fundraisers in support coffee farmers.

If your cafe is interested in having a First Cup celebration, contact us.


We Are Coffee People


A Visit to Ixil