A Letter from Roland Veit,
Co-Founder and Chairman of
Paragon Coffee Trading Company
The coffee market has been going through a lengthy period of extremely low prices. In fact, while the cost of production throughout the producing world keeps going higher, the opposite is true with regard to the coffee markets in New York and London.
We haven’t seen prices this low in 15 years and there are still no signs that the current bear market is going to turn around anytime soon. Organizations that are actively engaged with important projects in the impoverished coffee growing communities throughout the producing world need and deserve our help more than ever before.
While Paragon Coffee Trading Company has been supporting several such organizations for decades, this year we have decided to give additional support to The Coffee Trust by matching contributions to The Coffee Trust up to $30,000.00. We are very proud that the National Coffee Association has also decided to recognize The Coffee Trust as the NCA 2019 Origin Charity for the Year.
Past attempts to artificially influence coffee prices have always failed in the long run, and past attempts at give away programs to producers have also failed. However, support that respects the priorities, values and integrity of our coffee farming partners from organizations like The Coffee Trust make a real difference in the lives of coffee growing families. Needless to say, that both the degree and scope of success of what The Coffee Trust can accomplish while doing its noble and worthwhile task is directly dependent on the amount of money it is able to raise from the coffee importing, roasting and retailing industry.
We are all part of this great industry and we know that it all begins with the coffee producer, so please join us as we match your contributions up to $30,000 and help those who are struggling like never before!
Roland W. Veit
Co-Founder – Chairman
Paragon Coffee Trading Company